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Formato del curso Online
Fecha 2023-10-01 - 2024-03-31
Duración 6 months
Costo Price: €833* Early Bird Price: €700 for early bids


Do you want to understand the big picture of renewable energy? Then take this training and learn the fundamentals of these seven technologies, their multiple uses, differences and what each one can achieve.


  • Photovoltaics
  • Windpower
  • Biogas
  • Solar thermal
  • Small hydro power
  • Concentrated solar power (CSP)
  • PV-diesel hybrid systems

Additionally, each participant will have access to short introductory courses on energy and electricity topics to learn or revise the basics. These courses are not mandatory, and will not be covered in the exam.

Receive a reminder one week before the registration deadline.

Learning objectives

After the online training, you will be able to:

  • Assess resources and suitability of sites for each technology
  • Decide which components are to be used for which purpose
  • Roughly calculate system size and energy yield and determine crucial paramerters
  • Explain the principle functioning of each technology

Upon successful finalisation of the training, you will receive a RENAC Certificate.

Possible specialisations after successfully finishing this training:

Target groups

This training will suit those who:

  • Need an overview of renewable energy technologies
  • Would like to refresh technical knowledge
  • Want to make the first step towards implementing renewable energy projects

Course details

Duration: 6 months

Study time: About 100 hours

Training language: English or Spanish

Detailed course description: A detailed course description is available for download here.

E-learning platform: Access the demo course on our e-learning platform.

Price: €833,00*


Raquel Cascales
E-Learning and Blended Learning
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 46
Email: onlineacademy[at]


*incl 19 % of German VAT



Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Energía renovable marina