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0732 - Construcciones cerca de la costa y en mar abierto
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07 - Ingeniería, industria y construcción
073 - Arquitectura y construcción
0732 - Construcciones cerca de la costa y en mar abierto
Bachelor of Science in Ship Building and Repair
Chennai, IN
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Гідротенічне будівництво
Hydrotechnical construction
Odessa, UA
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Konstruktioners dynamik: Teori og analyse
Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Analysis
Lyngby, DK
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Гідро технічне будівництво
Hydro technical construction
Odessa, UA
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Byggegruber og havnebygning
Construction Pits and Port Construction
Lyngby, DK
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Xây dựng dân dụng & công nghiệp
Civil construction industry
Hai Phong, VN
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Гідротехнічне будівництво, водна інженерія та водні технології
Hydrotechnical construction, water engineering and water technologies
Kherson, UA
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Kiến trúc và nội thất
Architecture and interior
Hai Phong, VN
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Гідротехнічне будівництво, водна інженерія та водні технології
Hydrotechnical construction, water engineering and water technologies
Kherson, UA
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Quản lý công trình xây dựng
Construction management
Hai Phong, VN
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Design of Ocean Space Structures
Trondheim, NO
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Steel Offshore
Trondheim, NO
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Гідротенічне будівництво
Hydrotechnical construction
Odessa, UA
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Major in Disaster Prevention of Offshore Structures
Yeongdo-gu, KR
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Structural and Materials Response to the Marine Environment
Newcastle, GB
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Hydrodynamic Aspects of Marine Structures 1
Trondheim, NO
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Marine Structures
Trondheim, NO
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Offshore Materials Technology
Stavanger, NO
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Đóng tàu & công trình ngoài khơi
Ship building & offshore construction
Hai Phong, VN
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Liten MOB-båt grunnkurs
Small MOB-boat basic course
Blomsterdalen, NO
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Wind Power Summer School - In Cooperation with Vestas Wind Systems A/S & Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S
Wind Power Summer School
Videbæk, DK
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GWO Blade Repair
Egersund, NO
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Hydrodynamic Aspects of Marine Structures 2
Trondheim, NO
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Marine Technology and Design
Stavanger, NO
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Livbåtfører Konvensjonell livbåt Grunnkurs
Driver for conventional lifeboats basic course
Blomsterdalen, NO
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Maestría en Gestión y Logística Portuaria
Master in Port Management and Logistics
Tampico, MX
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Ice Actions on Arctic Structures
Trondheim, NO
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Marine Subsea Engineering, Specialization Course
Trondheim, NO
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Port and Coastal Facilities
Trondheim, NO
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Søk og redningslag Grunnkurs
Search and rescue team basic course
Blomsterdalen, NO
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Maestría En Ingeniería Naval Y Oceánica
Master of Naval and Oceanic Engineering
Bolivar, CO
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Aquaculture Structures
Trondheim, NO
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Marin- og havteknik
Marine and Ocean Engineering
Lyngby, DK
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STCW Grunnleggende sikkerhetsopplæring for sjøfolk
STCW Basic safety training for seafarers
Blomsterdalen, NO
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Tecnología en Gestión Logística Portuaria
Technology in Portuary Logistics Management
Ciudad de Mexico, MX
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Marine Technology - Structures
Trondheim, NO
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Shipbuilding and Customized Manufacturing
Trondheim, NO
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Marin vandbygning 2
Marine Structures 2
Lyngby, DK
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OPITO Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST)
Dyce, GB
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Subsea Construction, Inspection and Maintenance
Aberdeen, GB
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Diploma of Engineering Technology in Ship Design
Diploma of Engineering Technology in Ship Design
Jalan Sultan Ismail, MY
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S-cape training
Dyce, GB
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CDT - Center for Doctoral Training: REMS - Renewable Energy Marine Structures
Bedford, GB
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Técnica Profesional en Operaciones Portuarias
Professional technicature in Ports Operations
Ciudad de Mexico, MX
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Bachelor of Technology in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Chennai, IN
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Theory of Marine Design
Trondheim, NO
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Offshore Wind Energy – Design of Substructures – course
Offshore Wind Energy – Design of Substructures
Kongens Lyngby, DK
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Renewable Energy MSc
Cranfield, GB
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Master of Technology in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Chennai, IN
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Major of Electronic Material Engineering
Yeongdo-gu, KR
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Major in Architectural Design
Yeongdo-gu, KR
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BS Marine Engineering
San Rafael, PH
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Fatigue and Fracture of Marine Structures
Trondheim, NO
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Marine Operations
Trondheim, NO
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Bølgebelastninger på skibe og offshore konstruktioner
Wave Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures
Lyngby, DK
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Thiết kế tàu & công trình ngoài khơi
Ship design & offshore construction
Hai Phong, VN
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HLO Grunnkurs
Helicopter Landing Officer basic course
Blomsterdalen, NO
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Wind Power Summer School - In Cooperation with Vestas Wind Systems A/S & Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S
Wind Power Summer School
Videbæk, DK
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European MSc in Integrated Advanced Ship Design (EMSHIP)
Liège, BE
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MSc in Offshore Wind Energy
Kgs. Lyngby, DK
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