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Instalações Solares Fotovoltaicas (Photovoltaic Solar Installations )


Portuguese, Portugal

Course format Blended
Datum 2023-11-02 - 2024-02-28
Tijdsduur 15 hours
Cost 80 €

Lifelong training and support for the conversion and updating of skills of active adults through the acquisition of knowledge in the area of Photovoltaic Solar Installations.


The course is aimed at Engineers/Technical Engineers specializing in electrotechnical engineering; Technicians responsible for the execution, operation and design of private service electrical installations; Non-electrotechnical engineers linked to industrial maintenance and energy; Electricians/Electromechanics/Maintenance Managers/Technical staff.

Application procedure

Applications are made through an online form.

Grant opportunities

Merit scholarships are awarded by the Directorate-General for Higher Education to students who have achieved outstanding academic success, regardless of their income.

Learning outcomes

  • Know the general provisions of legislation in the field of renewable energies (RE)
  • Design, dimension and install photovoltaic systems
  • Test and maintain photovoltaic installations


ISCED Categories

Offshore en hernieuwbare energie
Machines en operators