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International Business Management

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duration 4 semesters
Cost 4,500 USD/year (foreigners), 2,500 USD/year (citizens)

Integration of the country into global economic relations objectively requires the availability of qualified specialists in the field of international business management.
The aim of the master's program is to train competent specialists with high qualifications, who possess multilateral theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the ability to conduct scientific research and the availability of creative skills in International Business Management.
As a result of training on the program, the future specialist will receive theoretical and practical knowledge in international business management, international economic relations, international trade, international business regulation, international strategic business management, international marketing and corporate logistics management skills. In addition, students will have the skills to implement organizational and managerial measures in the field of international business management.

Learning outcomes

The program provides training of high-level specialists who will be able to:

• Realize administrative, managerial and economic functions within their own competence, as well as implement rational management of human, information, material, financial and service resources;

• Solve problems related to business planning, organization, management, control, analysis and synthesis, as well as other processes;

• Assess the potential of the organization and develop the effective business strategies;

• Collect and analyze marketing information, identify market opportunities and implement appropriate actions;

• Registration of financial operations of the organization, accounting of contracts with suppliers, partners and tax control;

• Identify and diagnose the problem faced by the organization. Use appropriate methods of solving the problem;

• Decision making on operational and tactical level;

• Conduct mathematical calculations while performing international trade operations.


Persons with bachelor's degree or an equal educational level who have successfully passed the minimum level of common master's exams and the examinations in economics at Batumi State Maritime Academy

ISCED Categories

Maritime economy