The course deals with remote sensing techniques and their application to the atmosphere and oceans. This includes the underlying physics, analysis methods, as well as the scientific and operational use of remote sensing data.
The course deals with remote sensing techniques and their application to the atmosphere and oceans. This includes the underlying physics, analysis methods, as well as the scientific and operational use of remote sensing data.
Topics to be addressed are:
- atmospheric structure, composition and radiative transfer
- passive remote sensing techniques such as radiometry, spectroscopy and occultation
- active remote sensing techniques such as radar, lidar, sodar, DOAS and scatterometer
- inversion methods, data analysis in atmosphere and ocean
- methods for calibration, validation and quality control
- applications of ground-base and satellite remote sensing for studies of e.g. temperature, composition, aerosol and cloud properties, precipitation, as well as the properties of sea surface and sea ice
Knowledge corresponding to Atmospheric physics and chemistry, 30 ECTS credits (MO4000) or Meteorology I, 15 ECTS credits (MO8001) and Meteorology II, 7.5 ECTS credits (MO8002). Swedish Upper Secondary School course English B/English 6 or equivalent. Information about entry requirements on
ISCED Categories