Recent topics and methods from disciplines within the fields of Marine Civil Engineering will be presented, discussed and applied. As this is an advanced course in Marine Civil Engineering focus will be on subjects related to current research and new developments within the field. The students are expected to critically read and review scientific publications, and actively contribute to the subjects presented in the course. The students are also expected to contribute to presentations and discussions in colloquia. The content will, to some extent, be adapted to current issues and research within Marine Civil Engineering at NTNU.
TBA4265 Arctic and Marine Civil Engineering
Learning outcomes
Provide students with depth of knowledge, competence and skills to solve technological problems in selected fields of Marine civil engineering. Further the students shall be able to critically evaluate methods and scientific materials.
Students should have knowledge on:
- To abstract a problem and make engineering assessments and calculations within their specialty.
- Description and modeling of physical environmental conditions and environmental loads associated with waves, ice, currents and wind in terms of safety for humans and the environment.
Students will be able to:
- Measure and analyze environmental data
- Evaluate and determine the action on structures subjected to wave, ice, electricity and/or wind.
- Assess the relevance of empirical data in relation to a practical problem
- Perform Monte-Carlo simulation
- Conduct regular time-series analysis.
General competance
The student has:
- The basis for evaluating different models and select the appropriate model for a practical problem.
- Competence to combine physical measurements of field/ lab and/or results from numerical/theoretical models for decision-making for engineering assessments.
ISCED Categories