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Physical Oceanography (Physical Oceanography )

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duration 2 semesters
Cost NA

"The MSc in Physical Oceanography at the University of Bangor, which has received NERC funding since 1965, meets a critical skills need in the UK for modellers and numerate environmental scientists."
NERC 4 Feb 2011

"The School of Ocean Science at Bangor... is generally regarded as the best institute in Europe for physical oceanography."
New Scientist 22nd October 2008

This 12 month taught postgraduate course introduces students with a first degree in the physical, mathematical or other numerate sciences to the subject of Physical Oceanography. The course has run for over 40 years and is unique in the UK for the depth of physical oceanography training provided. As well as giving an overview of physical oceanography, the course enable students to study in detail those aspects of the subject for which they have particular interest.

Course Objectives

  1. Provide a thorough training in the theory and application of physical oceanography.
  2. Familiarize the student with modern oceanographic instrumentation and observational techniques.
  3. Introduce state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics, data analysis and fundamental modelling methods.
  4. Provide the student with the practical experience and physical understanding necessary to address significant problems in the coastal ocean environment.

Course Content

The first two semesters of the course are taught, introducing the student to the physics of the ocean and its role in the climate system. Modules cover both oceanographic theory and its application, as well practical oceanography. The latter includes an introduction of state-of-the-art instrumentation, remote sensing, numerical modelling as well as practical experience working on small boats and the University's state-of-the-art research vessel, the Prince Madog. Student achievement in the course is evaluated by continuous assessment and module examinations.

During the second semester the student begins to focus on specific aspects of the subject, intially through an extensive literature review and then a research project. The research project, which forms a major component of the course, is selected in close consultation with the students to be of direct relevance to their intended future work. For overseas students, well founded projects based on investigations being undertaken in a home institute are encouraged.


Compulsory Modules

Semester 1

Semester 2

credits from:

Careers and Employability

This course has run for over 40 years and past students have gone on to become Nobel Laureates, directors of the main UK Oceanographic laboratories and managing directors of major commercial oceanographic companies. Many hold posts in the marine industries, particularly in consultancy companies that provide services in oceanography to the oil industry and companies concerned with engineering operations in shelf seas. There are opportunities in Government Laboratories and agencies with responsibility for estuarine and coastal waters. Many graduates have continued to higher degrees and an academic career.

Recent figures show that 50% of MSc PO students have proceeded to a PhD, whilst 20% went straight into jobs in commercial oceanography and a further 25% to oceanography related jobs in the public sectors.

Some of the leading academics would have studied the Physical Oceanography MSc at Bangor:
Prof Stefan Romstorf (IPCC member and Nobel Laureate), Prof Edward Hill (Director of the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton), Drs Jonathan Sharples and Alex Souza (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Liverpool), Drs Bob Marsh and Kate Stansfield (Southampton University), Dr Stuart Cunningham (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton), Drs Patrick Hyder and John Siddorn (Met Office), Dr Tim O'Hare (Plymouth University), Icarus Allen (Plymouth Marine Laboratory).

Leading Oceanographers in the commerical world who studied Physical Oceanography MSc at Bangor include:

  • Kevin Deeming (MD METOC plc)
  • Rick Lailey (WNI Science & Engineering, W. Australia)
  • Hugh Agnew (Yeoman Marine Ltd)
  • Robin Stephens (Fugro GEOS UK)
Structural components
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work

ISCED Categories

Physical and chemical oceanography
Scientific modelling
Offshore and renewable energy