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Master of Antarctic Studies

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duration 2 semesters
Cost Domestic $17,693, International $63,572

This 180-point Master of Antarctic Studies (MAntaStud) is a one-year degree that kick starts with summer courses that are coordinated by Gateway Antarctica, a research centre based at UC.

Gateway Antarctica offers an internationally unique programme of study and inquiry that has been developed by staff at the University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha in partnership with Antarctica New Zealand, with significant contributions from other Aotearoa New Zealand universities.

Antarctic research is represented in one of the 11 New Zealand National Science Challenges, highlighting the importance of understanding the role of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in determining Aotearoa New Zealand's future climate and environment. It is also of interest internationally, especially to countries that make up the signatory states to the Antarctic Treaty, and those that undertake national polar research programmes and institutes.

This Master's degree allows students to:

  • conduct fieldwork in Antarctica over the summer (as part of the Postgraduate Certificate in Antarctic Studies)
  • undertake further courses and a research dissertation related to the student's area of expertise and interest
  • complete a master's level qualification within one year
  • prepare themselves for jobs requiring a solid background in Antarctic science or policy.
Structural components
Summer schools
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Project management
Policy and governance