The PhD Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies is a joint initiative between the University of Lisbon and New University of Lisbon, working in partnership with the University of East Anglia, UK a leading international institution in these fields. It is part of an interdisciplinary network focusing on the environmental and social sciences, with strong relationships with the social sciences and the areas of economics, law, politics, ethics and communication.
Application procedure
The application should be delivered to Divisão de Alunos (Student Office) at the Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa (Alameda da Universidade, 1649-004 Lisboa), open from 9h30 to 12h30 and from 14h30 to 16h30, or submitted by mail to the Scientific commision of the PhD program.. The application can also be sent by e-mail to or .
The following documents are required:
- Documents certifying the candidate meets the above mentioned criteria;
- Curriculum vitae;
Letter describing the candidate motivation to enroll in the program.
Learning outcomes
The main objective of this doctoral program is to train specialists capable of contributing in a meaningful and committed way to identify, analyze and put into practice new sustainable development strategies in the context of the growing risk of anthropogenic climate change during the 21st century.
A master's degree or legal equivalent in the areas of social and human sciences, physical and natural sciences and engineering.
Exceptionally, a bachelor's degree or legal equivalent, holding an especially relevant academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the Scientific Committee of the Doctoral Program in the same areas of social and human sciences, physical and natural sciences and engineering.
ISCED Categories