Smart Water Use
Smart WaterUse is an intercluster COOCK project coordinated by Flanders' FOOD. The following activities will be set up:
Collective knowledge transfer, awareness raising and networking around water risks;
Water audits at companies to gain insight into the sector-related water risks;
Development of an online smart water tool: a water barometer tool that maps how water-aware a company is, how it deals with water risks and how well it is armed against potential drought risks now and in the future. The water barometer tool provides a number of scenarios for alternative water use as well as a proposal for possible drying measures
Techno-economic feasibility of alternative water sources, whereby less suitable water sources can be upgraded (including desalination of sea water);
Demonstration workshops via pilot installations that demonstrate how to tackle water risks through monitoring and digitization of data (including in land-based aquafarms);
Control legislation and regulations in the context of water risks
Partners: Flanders' FOOD, Watercircle, Centexbel, VITO, Universiteit Gent
Powered by: Blauwe Cluster, Fevia, Vlakwa
Funded by: VLAIO
Our role in this project
- Pilot aquaculture monitoring
- Organization of Arduino Trainings