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Sarjana Social Ekonomi Perikanan (Bachelor in Socioeconomic Fisheries )

Doctorado (ISCED 2011 nivel 8)


Duración 8 semesters
Costo 8 million IDR/year


Socioeconomic Fisheries PS vision is to be a study program of socio-economic development and business management of marine fisheries and leading in Indonesia in 2024.


To achieve the vision drawn up Socioeconomic Fisheries PS mission is to prepare human resources:

Knowledgeable and insightful socio-economic and able to manage and develop the business management of marine fisheries and sustainable.
Able to analyze and communicate the science and technology fields of socio-economic and business management of marine fisheries and sustainable.
Capable of entrepreneurship and develop empowerment programs for sustainable fisheries and marine communities.


Socioeconomic Fisheries PS Purpose is to produce scholars:

Knowledge and insight that is able to manage, assess and develop the science and technology fields of socio-economic and business management of marine fisheries and sustainable innovative, creative, tenacious and professional.
Able to analyze carefully and with integrity and be able to communicate in a sensible development of science and technology in the field of socio-economic and business management of marine fisheries and sustainable.
Able to work independently based on the principles of entrepreneurship and able to prepare a community empowerment program and marine fisheries sustainable.

Componentes estructurales
Entrenamiento de laboratorio
Trabajo práctico/ de campo
Entrenamiento de idioma
Proyecto de investigación

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Manejo de proyectos
Competencias personales y comunicación
Cultura oceánica
Gestión operativa de logística y envío
Derecho marítimo y marino
Conservación y gestión ambiental
Oceanografía física y química