All information regarding this course can be found on -
Wave Hydrodynamics
Design of Offshore Structures
Statistics and Dynamics of Marine Vehicle
Experimental Methods & Measurements
Marine Instrumentation
Ocean Env. Policy & Coastal Zone Mgmt.
Marine Survey and Informatics
Ocean Acoustics
Advance marine vehicle
Dynamics of Ocean structures
Dynamics of Floating Bodies
Non Linear Problems in Ocean Engineering
Advanced Marine Structures
Ocean Env. Policy & Coastal Zone Management
Port and Harbour Structures
Numerical Techniques in Ocean Hydrodynamics
FEM Applied to Ocean Engineering
Advanced Wave Dynamics
Coastal Engineering
Design of Offshore Structures
Computer Aided Surface Development for Marine Vehicles
Meshfree methods applied to hydrodynamics
Drilling Technology
HSE Management in Petroleum & Offshore Engineering
Ocean Structures and Materials
Installation of Offshore Structures
Modeling of Ships and offshore Structures
Materials and Fabrication of Ships and Offshore Structures
Categorías CINE (ISCED)