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Bachelor of Science in Oceanography

Doctorado (ISCED 2011 nivel 8)


Duración 8 semesters


The BSMAS in Oceanography is designed to give students a broad overview of the ocean sciences (physical, chemical, biological and geological oceanography, and ocean-atmosphere interactions as they relate to weather and climate) and specialized knowledge in one or more subdisciplines.  Students are encouraged, but not required, to complete a second major in chemistry, physics, biology, geological sciences, meteorology, mathematics, computer science or engineering.

Our curriculum emphasizes small classes and strong faculty involvement. Undergraduate students are encouraged to work with the faculty and are able to earn course credit by conducting independent research under the supervision of leading scientists in their field. Research foci include air-sea interaction and remote sensing, biogeochemical cycles in the ocean, large-scale ocean dynamics, and biophysical interactions.

The Rosenstiel School offers a Bachelor of Science in Marine and Atmospheric Science with a major in Oceanography.  The Bachelor of Science degree program is meant for students planning to continue with graduate studies in ocean science, as preparation for professional school or as preparation for a technical career in government or private industry.

Componentes estructurales
Entrenamiento de embarcaciones
Socios de la industria
Prácticas profesionales/experiencia laboral
Componente internacional
Entrenamiento de laboratorio
Trabajo práctico/ de campo
Proyecto de investigación

Proceso de aplicación

1. Complete the Common Application
Complete and submit the Common Application. Upon submitting, you will be asked to pay a $70 nonrefundable application fee. Be sure you use the same email address for every part of the application process, including registering for standardized tests.

In the Common Application, you will be asked to respond to one of seven prompts, using 650 words or less. This essay portion of the application gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to develop your thoughts, to communicate them clearly, and to write them concisely conveying your unique voice. We also ask that you list your involvement in extracurricular activities outside of school involvements and/or commitments; these will be evaluated as another factor in the admission process. 

2. Send Official High School Transcripts
Review the options below and follow the instructions for the option that describes your educational background. 

3. Submitting Test Scores
Review the options below and follow the instructions for the option that describes your educational background.

4. Complete the School Report
The School Report should be completed by your high school guidance counselor and can be found on the Common Application. It is often submitted along with your high school transcript and information about your high school. 

5. Submit Letters of Recommendation
We require you to submit two letters of recommendation: one from a high school guidance counselor and one from a teacher. These can be submitted electronically through the Common Application or Naviance, by email to, or by mail to one of the following addresses:

6. Submit Educational Activities
If you have a time gap of three months or more during your educational career or from the time you graduated high school to the date of your intended University of Miami enrollment, you must submit an Educational Activities statement explaining the reason for the gap(s) and include the dates. You may provide this explanation within your Common Application or by emailing it to Be sure to include the subject line “Educational Activities” and your full name and date of birth on all correspondence. This information is required to complete your application file.

7. Complete the International Financial Certification Form (International applicants only)
The University of Miami is need-aware for first-year international undergraduate applicants. This means that, for a portion of international applicants, the Admission Committee will consider that student’s ability to pay tuition without the need for financial aid. UM is committed to meeting the full demonstrated financial need of all admitted international students.

All prospective first-year international students who apply for admission to UM must submit an International Financial Certification Form, which can be accessed via CaneLink Full Site after you have submitted your application. 

8. Submit Financial Aid Documents
Review the options below and follow the instructions for the option that best applies to you.

9. Send Conduct Updates
If there is an update to your conduct (academic or behavioral) or your standing as a student in your high school (suspension, expulsion, withdrawal, etc.) you must alert the Office of Undergraduate Admission immediately at All other non-conduct updates can be sent to Be sure to include your name and date of birth on all documents.

10. Check Your Application Status
Visit our Check Your Application Status page to learn how to navigate your CaneLink account—your online student portal—to track your application materials and view your admission decision.

Oportunidades de financiamiento/becas

Incoming Students

UM awards merit-based scholarships to incoming undergraduate students based on their academic achievements. Students are automatically considered for an academic scholarship when they apply for admission to UM.

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Manejo de proyectos
Geología marina
Oceanografía física y química
Modelado científico
Energía renovable marina
Planificación Espacial Marina