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Pilot: Skill Mill

organised by RIGHT
01 Junio 2020 - 01 Diciembre 2021
Vordingborg, DK

Education and training for current and new employees in the blue energy sector. This is relevant to ensure they have applicable skills for the several offshore windmill parks being built in the region as well as for a service port.

The skills gap we will be attempting to close is that; a large majority of the local SMEs lack the required mandatory education and training which is required for all service providers. Unfortunately, this training is not available in the municipality and Zealand. Consequently, this increases the barriers to entry in providing support for the blue energy sector. 

As the region is fast transitioning into the blue energy sector, this will be an educational and training opportunity provided to SMEs, larger organisations and youth for learning about safety and the blue energy sector, and it will enable them to provide necessary services that the offshore industry will need in the short to long term. It is vital for Vordingborg Municipality to upskill their workforce so as not to lose the opportunities to other regions in this highly competitive field.

The training will be industry standardised thus making it transferable not only to other parts of the region and service ports for offshore windmill farms, but also other countries. We will however make it a point to focus on specific local needs to provide maximum benefits for our municipality. This will ensure that we provide value for local SMEs and that they realise returns from their investments.

Having a coastline of over, and several ports, Vordingborg Municipality has a regional competitive advantage due to its geographical location. This is significant when providing offshore training as participants can get a realistic first-hand feel of the working conditions without having to travel.

As an addition to the above mentioned another course about port security and safety training will be initiated. This will help train and build knowledge about how a port works and how to stay safe in the commission of one’s duties.

The main goal is to get as many SMEs to take the occupational safety courses as possible. This pilot will not only help evaluate the feasibility of our renewable energy transition goals but also measure practicality and ease of adoption.

Skills Gap Addressed

Renewables, blue energy, primarily offshore wind

Main institutions involved

  • Technical education institution in Vordingborg
  • Klintholm Ports
  • Vordingborg Ports
  • Other Stakeholders


A both intended and expected consequence/impact is the upskilling of the local work force to meet regional demands and the new energy orientation of the region.

Another intended impact is to build a training centre and programme that serves the North Sea Region as there are several offshore windmills parks planned for the future. Thus, the region becomes more prominent in relation to blue energy sector training.

Also expected is greater participation in the energy transition for local SMEs, to ensure they innovate their service offerings and don’t lose their local competitive advantage to companies from other regions.
