This marine technology foundation year will prepare you for study on one of our three-year BEng degree courses so you can pursue a career in a sector that is thriving worldwide.
Our professionally accredited Marine Engineering degrees provide a pathway to becoming a Chartered Engineer and prepare you to face challenges associated with the various specialisms.
This foundation year will help you build the base knowledge you need to progress to any of our marine technology BEng degrees.
This is a full-time programme of study covering core mechanical engineering topics, including:
- foundation mathematics
- applied mechanics
- material science
Successful completion of the Foundation Year leads to guaranteed progression to Stage 1 of one of the following 3-year BEng degrees:
- Marine Technology with Marine Engineering
- Marine Technology with Naval Architecture
- Marine Technology with Offshore Engineering
- Marine Technology with Small Craft Technology
If you're not sure which engineering discipline you're interested in, you should apply for the general Engineering with Foundation Year degree. This allows you to delay your choice of engineering discipline until the end of the foundation year.
Oportunidades de financiamiento/becas
Categorías CINE (ISCED)