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Master of Professional Science (Applied Remote Sensing)

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Costo $63,000 ($2,100 PER CREDIT, 30 CREDITS)

Applied Remote Sensing (ARS)

The routine use of remote sensing techniques has become an indispensable element of many activities in our modern world. A huge variety of sensors on satellites, airplanes, unmanned aerial vehicles (“drones”), and other platforms provide data for a variety of applications on a regular basis. From disaster response after hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and oil spills to monitoring ship traffic and floating sea ice, remote sensing technology enables us to acquire high-resolution satellite images of most areas in the world and to obtain near-real-time measurements of sea surface temperatures, currents, wave heights, wind speeds, atmospheric temperature profiles, clouds, aerosols, and more.

The MPS track “Applied Remote Sensing” offered by the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) and Center for Southeastern Tropical Advanced Remote Sensing (CSTARS) is tailored to the needs of students who seek to gain theoretical knowledge and practical, real-world experiences geared towards a successful career in the field of remote sensing in both public and private sectors. This track is also appropriate for those already in the workforce who require additional training or are looking to expand upon their knowledge and skills. UM / RSMAS / CSTARS is one of the leading remote sensing institutions in the U.S., with direct access to data from many satellites and excellent connections to data users (and potential employers of the students) and partner institutions all over the world.


Componentes estructurales
Entrenamiento de embarcaciones
Socios de la industria
Prácticas profesionales/experiencia laboral
Trabajo práctico/ de campo

Proceso de aplicación

Very detailed/specific application procedure. Please see attached additional source on the process.

Oportunidades de financiamiento/becas

Numerous scholarships and grants available. Please see attached additional source on the available opportunities.


The University of Miami requires a minimum GRE score of 297  (verbal + quantitative only) and a United States GPA of 3.0+ for graduate program consideration. Applicants are also expected to complete the analytical writing portion of the GRE.  Only the first reported scores (GRE and GPA) submitted at the time of application submission will be considered for admissions. Please read GRE & GPA requirements for merit-based tuition waiver consideration on our Financing your Education page.


  1. Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.) in Mathematics, Physics, Geosciences, Engineering or an equivalent degree.
  2. Successful completion of the following (or equivalent) undergraduate courses: Calculus, Statistics, Physics, Computer Programming (Matlab, IDL, C, or Fortran).

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Cultura oceánica
Política y governaza
Gestión operativa de logística y envío
Conservación y gestión ambiental
Oceanografía física y química
Modelado científico