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Naval Hydrodynamics



Formato del curso On-site
Fecha 2021-01-11 - 2021-05-07

Application of lifting line and lifting surface theory in the design of propulsors, rudders, foils etc. Application of theory and experimental methods in calculation of resistance and in calculation of hydrodynamical characteristics of propellers, tunnel thrusters, azimuth thrusters and waterjets. Propeller induced vibration and noise. Influence of fouling, wind and waves on resistance and propulsion. Propulsor dynamics in waves.


Recommended previous knowledge

TMR4247 Marine Technology - Hydrodynamics or similar. Knowledge of fluid mechanics from introductory university course. Basic knowledge of resistance and propulsion of ships.

Resultados del aprendizaje

  • To have detailed knowledge about the hydrodynamics of ship propulsion, ship resistance, hydrodynamic lift, hydrodynamic principles of propellers, including cavitation and ventilation.
  • To have knowledge about the special considerations regarding the hydrodynamics of thrusters, waterjets and operation of ships and propulsion systems in a seaway.
  • To be able to do computations of resistance, propulsion power of ships by use of experimental, empirical and simple numerical methods.
  • To master the choice of main dimensions of propellers, as well as simple propeller design.
  • To master the concepts and terminology of naval hydrodynamics.

With these knowledge and skills the students will be better able to do design and analysis of ships and propellers.


Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Mecánica y profesiones afines a la metalistería
Ingeniería naval