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Bachelor in Maritime Law

Doctorado (ISCED 2011 nivel 8)


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According to the licenses and the certificate of accreditation Specialities: Jurisprudence, Management, Specialization: Maritime Law, Management of Sea Transportation Organizations of The Ministry of Education and Science the maritime law faculty is preparing maritime lawyers and managers of organizations of maritime transportation. The first admission in the speciality “Jurisprudence” and specialization “Maritime Law” took place in 1995. “Management of Organizations of Sea Transportation” accepted the first students in 2004.

The faculty consists of 8 departments: Administrative and Criminal Law, Civil and Labor Law, Management and Economy on the Maritime Transport, Economic Theory and Business Undertakings on a Marine transport, Maritime Law, Ukrainian Culture and Language, Physical Education and Philosophy. The high level of professional training of cadets is carried out by the teachers of the highest qualification – professors and docents. 8 professors and doctors of science, 33 docents and candidates of science work at the department.

Teaching staff takes part in developing the maritime legislation and economic programs of improving the development in Ukraine. They also represent Academy in the work of the International Assembly of maritime organization and its committees, and also in the international economic forums.

The faculty supports the partnership relations with the corresponding departments of maritime, law and economic universities of Belgium, Bulgaria, Portugal, Russia, Ukraine etc. The training of specialists is carried out according to the curriculums and the programs of disciplines, based on the demands of the International Conventions.

Practical training is an essential part of educational process: general sea training at the educational sailing center of the Academy, natatory practical training aboard a training vessel of the Academy, field experience in shore structures, connected with the navy activities, in public administration organs, in law machinery.

The graduates of the faculty possess deep knowledge, which is necessary for successful work in all structures of maritime complex. The deep studying of foreign languages with mastering maritime, law and economic terms helps in job placement in shipping companies, ports, maritime agencies, public administration organs, law machinery, commercial and other structures. The graduates of the faculty are a deposit of success and prosperity for any company.

Proceso de aplicación

Foreigners having a complete secondary education and without restrictions on racial characteristics, color of the skin, political, religious and other beliefs, sex, ethnic and social origin, financial status, place of residence, language and other features can be admitted for studying at the university. The University admits foreign citizens to the full-time form of education for obtaining of following education degrees: a bachelor’s and master’s degrees provided that they undergo medical professional selection at “Odessa Maritime Academy” National University. Persons who have not undergone a medical examination or whose health state does not meet the medical requirements defined will not be permitted to participate in the competition. The course of training for foreign citizens in the Academy performed on a contractual basis in Russian and in accordance with the curricula for the chosen specialty.

University entrants who cannot speak Ukrainian or Russian are provided with a 10-month mandatory preparatory course of training for studying of language and special terminology and to learn more about the history of Ukraine, the traditions of the university, as well as the consolidation of knowledge in general subjects. Graduation exams after graduation from the preparatory department of Odessa Maritime Academy shall be considered introductory ones for the admission to the first year. Graduates of preparatory departments of other universities of Ukraine, as well as foreign citizens who can speak Ukrainian/Russian shall be interviewed in Ukrainian/Russian languages, mathematics and physics at the time of their admittance to the university.

Terms of course of training shall be as follows: for a bachelor’s degree – 4 years, a master’s degree – 1,5 years. The total term of study is 5,5 years. To obtain the Master’s degree can be admitted the undergraduates who have already obtained the Bachelor’s degree and who passed final examinations along with an examination in English required for obtaining the Master’s degree.  The graduates from other higher educational institutions should pass the entrance examinations in the major and English to pursue studies for obtaining the Master’s degree.

To receive an entry visa to Ukraine (from foreign countries, as well as from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), you need to receive an invitation to study and for this purpose you will need to submit to the academy or its partner company the information as follows: surname and given name, the birthdate (i.e. the day, month and year of birth), series and national passport number, a citizenship and the name of the country issuing the entry visa. The invitation to study will be issued to the university entrant personally or to a partner company from the 1st of June of the current year.

For admission to the university it is necessary to submit the following documents starting from August 15:

  • a questionnaire of the standard form;
  • an international passport and its copy;
  • original and a copy of the complete secondary education document and supplement to it;
  • health certificate certified by an official health authority of the country from which the alien arrived. It should be issued not later than two months before entering Ukraine for a study;
  • original and copy of the birth certificate;
  • 12 color photographs in size of 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
  • insurance policies (issued at the university after enrollment, as well as during the submission the documents for the extension of the period of stay in Ukraine).

The passport, educational document, health certificate and birth certificate must be certified by a notary public and translated into Ukrainian in accordance with the legislation of the country of issue, as well as legalized in accordance with the defined procedure by the Consulate of Ukraine located in the respective country.

The course of training starts from September 1. In all cases the University does not cover the costs arisen due to registration, issuance of visas, accommodation and meals, travelling of university entrances to the territory of Ukraine and abroad.

The University has no obligations whatsoever with the arrival and stay of a family of students in Ukraine and does not provide them with a housing. Foreign students have the right to be provided with a place in the academy’s dormitory and may participate in social, sportive and cultural life of the Academy, as well as to do research work.

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Competencias personales y comunicación
Economía marítima
Derecho marítimo y marino