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Marine Conservation Biology



Formato del curso On-site
Fecha 2020-08-10 - 2020-12-18

Course contents

Marine conservation biology is the science of conservation of diversity and variability in marine ecosystems. The course provides an introduction to the maintenance, loss, and restoration, of biodiversity in a marine context, and the importance of eco-evolutionary processes in the maintenance of the variety and diversity at the population and species level. The course also provides an introduction to conservation genetics and how molecular approaches can enhance conservation of marine resources. The course also covers the legal framework and the implementation of different management strategies with particular focus on Norway and the Skagerrak coast. At the beginning of the course the students will get an introduction to statistical analyses and practical exercises in using R and R Studio (coordination with BIO201 and BIO204).

Resultados del aprendizaje

On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to

  • characterize marine biodiversity and understand the biological, economical and ethical value of the life in the oceans 
  • identify major challenges to preserve marine biodiversity
  • apply research skills to propose management actions
  • use critical thinking to discuss marine conservation issues in debates
  • evaluate initiatives for conservation of marine habitats and species


Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Conservación y gestión ambiental