Pasar al contenido principal

Applied Molecular Biology



Formato del curso On-site
Fecha 2021-01-10 - 2021-06-04

Course contents

This course provides an overview of the extensive scope of molecular biology and genetic engineering methods. The students will learn how molecular methods are used for identity analyses and studies of genetic variation and how such methods are used in ecology, evolution and population studies. Also, methods for studying gene expression differentiation as well as traditional and new methods for the isolation and study of genes, will be covered. Students will sequence DNA molecules and use bioinformatics for analysis of these sequences and use relevant databases and software for this. Students will learn how to use these databases to find information about selected genes and molecules. Next generation sequencing techniques will be covered. Laboratory exercises will provide students with detailed knowledge and experience in some of these application areas.

Resultados del aprendizaje

After completing the course, the students will

  • have in depth knowledge of how molecular methods are used for studies of specific genes and expression of these, to perform molecular ecology and population genetic studies and identification and paternity studies of humans and animals
  • be able to work independently with basic and specialized molecular biology techniques
  • be able to analyze DNA sequences by using bioinformatics, and to interpret the results in a critical manner
  • have routines for independent work in a molecular biology laboratory
  • be able to convey extensive independent work by reporting results from laboratory exercises


Categorías CINE (ISCED)
