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METU NCC Civil Engineering Program (METU NCC Civil Engineering Program )

Doctorado (ISCED 2011 nivel 8)


Duración 8 semesters
Costo 6300 dollars

The mission of the METU is to reach, produce, apply and promote knowledge, and to educate individuals with that knowledge for the social, cultural, economic, scientific, and technological development of our society and humanity. This is to be done by bringing teaching, research, and social services up to the universal standards. Civil Engineering is the art and sciency of planning and developing the built environment that forms the infrastructure of civilization. In this connection, civil engineering encompasses analysis, design, and scientific research in a variety of fields such as structural mechanics, construction materials, geodesy, hydromechanics, water resources, costal and ocean, transportation, geotechnics, and construction management. All these activities are based on economic, safety, and esthetic considerations.

METU NCC Civil Engineering Program

The goal of the METU NCC Civil Engineering Program is to educate future engineers who can apply basic science in the analysis of complex civil engineering problems, who are competent in oral and written communication, and who can co-operate with disciplines other than engineering. In this regard, graduates are expected to have developed skills in critical thinking, searching and learning, adherence to ethical principles, leadership qualities, and the ability to maintain interaction with social environment in which they live.

The METU NCC Civil Engineering curriculum has been designed and based on current trends in engineering programs as well as the needs of Middle Eastern countries, and comprises a series of compulsory and elective courses in the areas of structural mechanics, water resources, geotechnics, construction materials, transportation, construction management, and geodesy.

Current state of the construction industry indicates that engineers must be able to work with and within other cultures. Regional, national, and international issues are important in how major projects are designed, built, and operated, and in assessing how environmental effects transcend political boundaries. One of our main objectives is to prepare our students to the ever-changing scenery of the construction industry by considering the number of projects in the undergraduate education and improving the presentation and communication skills.

The faculty members in the Civil Engineering Program are either appointed as full time faculty members for the NCC or are brought from the main campus depending on the needs of the program. This allows us to establish a rather dynamic education environment. Furthermore, it assures that the education qualities in both campuses are kept at the same level.  This provides a tremendous advantage for higher level courses in which projects constitute a major part of the course work load.


METU NCC CVE Program Mission:

The mission of the Civil Engineering Program is

    • To provide highest quality undergraduate Civil Engineering education in the region so as to transform students possessing high potential into graduates with maximum added value;
    • Without neglecting the international standard and dimension, to conduct high level research projects giving priority to the needs of the industry, providing mobility to intellectual capital and to merge them with graduate educational activities,
    • To share and disseminate accumulated expert knowledge for use in the solution of problems faced by institutions in the relevant sector and by society,
    • To ensure the continuous provision of quality both in necessary physical conditions and in human resources in order to fulfill educational, research and public service duties.


Career Opportunities

METU NCC Civil Engineering graduates will have career opportunities in both the public and private sector in the field of civil engineering. With a strong background in engineering and communication skills, they can be especially sought after candidates for companies operating in the Middle East and Euro-Asia. Those who would analytical abilities they have gained by following the curriculum.

Program Educational Objectives

The following program educational objectives are career and professional accomplishments that our graduates are expected to achieve within a few years after graduation.

  1. Our graduates come to the forefront in their careers in leading companies and institutions.
  2. Our graduates have successful research identities and academic careers in both national and international universities and research institutions.
  3. Our graduates are preferred in international projects due to their strong engineering background and communication skills.
Student Outcomes - SO

1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Componentes estructurales
Socios de la industria
Escuelas de verano
Prácticas profesionales/experiencia laboral
Componente internacional
Trabajo práctico/ de campo
Entrenamiento de idioma
Proyecto de investigación

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Competencias personales y comunicación
Cultura oceánica
Modelado científico
Ingeniería naval
Construcciones cerca de la costa y en mar abierto