Marine wind, wave and tidal energy are key elements of UK, European and global renewable energy roadmaps. Begin your voyage to being a part of this vital transformative development by studying on the UK’s first MSc Marine Renewable Energy programme. Building on our international reputation for marine research and teaching, along with regional and national initiatives, this distinctive degree focuses on the growing marine renewable energy sector.
The taught modules in the first period are compulsory and are designed to provide you with a broad background on marine renewable as well as a solid basis for the option modules in period two.
You’ll undertake three modules in period one that provide a background in marine renewable energy:
- introduction to marine renewable energy,
- economics, law and policy for marine renewable energy,
- research skills and research methods.
In period two you can choose three options from a choice of five:
- assessment of coastal resources and impacts,
- marine planning,
- economics of the marine environment,
- mechanics of marine renewable energy structures, and
- wave and current modelling for marine renewable energy.
During period three you’ll undertake a research project and dissertation. Due to the extensive staff research expertise there is a wide range of potential projects spanning marine science, engineering and socio-economics. You may also carry out projects with external organisations that have interests in marine renewable energy.
Categorías CINE (ISCED)