This degree is intended to train technicians capable of taking on the most varied tasks that can be found in most industrial companies, and in some service companies, responding to a growing need for modernization and increased competitiveness, with special emphasis on the region in which the institution is located.
Oportunidades de financiamiento/becas
There are scholarships and social support for students
Resultados del aprendizaje
- understand the operation of machines, tools and systems used in industry, namely mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, pneumatic, electrical/electronic, as well as associated installations;
- define, or cooperate in defining, production systems, and their implications (organization and associated information systems);
- structure the organization of an industrial unit in terms of production, quality and maintenance;
- participate in teams of Industrial Engineering Project and Mechanical, Thermal, Hydraulic, Pneumatic Systems and Equipment, etc..
Entrance exams:
Mathematics and Physics and Chemistry
Categorías CINE (ISCED)
Tecnología de protección del medio ambiente
Mecánica y profesiones afines a la metalistería