BioAgora is an ambitious project aiming to support sustainable transformation of our societies in Europe. It aims to connect research results on biodiversity as a transversal issue to the needs of decision-makers. The project facilitates dialogue and mutual understanding between scientists, other knowledge holders and policy actors (
As part of its mission, the project will organize Science Policy Interface (SPI) trainings/capacity development initiatives over the next three years allowing for the first time scientists and policymakers to JOINTLY improve their understanding of both the policy and the scientific challenges to better operate at the science-policy interface in relation to biodiversity as a cross-sector topic. To this aim, they will have an opportunity to meet and share their perspectives, constraints, challenges and methodologies but to also exchange in the field with stakeholders and practitioners. The idea is to go beyond a passive understanding of capacity building or training (“wise people teaching others”) to a mutual learning and cocreation process.
A specific case study identified by BioAgora will serve for each training as a concrete topic to anchor the training in practice and policy contexts.
The pilot training is open to:
- Mid-career policy makers (at least 8-10 years experience at EU level or at Member states level) involved in policy development or implementation in sectors relevant to nature’s multi-uses, preferably but not restricted to freshwater multi-uses: multi-uses: Agriculture, Health, Food systems, Rural Development, Climate Change, Nature conservation and restoration, etc.
- Mid- career scientists (at least 8-10 years experience in knowledge production in public or civil society organisations (a Ph.D is not required ) working in various disciplines relevant to freshwater multi-uses : water management, landsape ecology, river ecology, agronomy, agro-ecology, geography, sociology, economy, health, etc.
Proceso de aplicación
Deadline for application: June 15th Form:
The selection process will ensure a diversity of participants, based on:
- gender balance
- geographical representation
- variety of sectors and disciplines relevant to the case study on freshwater multi-uses
- Years of experience and current responsibilities (Mid-career)
- Motivation to join the training
Oportunidades de financiamiento/becas
The organisers will cover the cost of food and accommodation. Participants are responsible for your own travel costs.
Categorías CINE (ISCED)