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0841 - Ciencias veterinarias
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08 - Agricultura, silvicultura, pesca y veterinaria
084 - Veterinaria
0841 - Ciencias veterinarias
Urbana, US
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Fish health and welfare in industrial aquaculture
3rd GRINNAQUA workshop
Matosinhos, PT
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Máster Universitario en Acuicultura
Interuniversity Master in Aquaculture
Valencia, ES
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AQUAEXCEL: Conducting experimental infections in fish and shellfish
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Curso de Acuicultura On-line
Online Course in Aquaculture
Valencia, ES
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Health and Hygiene (Aquaculture)
Sauðárkrókur, IS
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AQUAEXCEL: Shellfish and seaweed production in research infrastructures
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Introduction to Animal Production and Fish Farming in Developing Countries
Ås, NO
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MSc in Rearing of Aquatic Organisms
Athens, GR
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Sygdomme og veterinære aspekter relaterede til akvakultur
Diseases and Veterinary Aspects Related to Aquaculture
Lyngby, DK
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Máster Universitario en Cultivos Marinos
MSc in Mariculture
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Fish Health and Welfare
Trondheim, NO
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MSc in Rearing of Aquatic Organisms
Athens, GR
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Basal and Comparative Immunology
Tromsø, NO
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Curso De Ciências De Animais Aquáticos De Laboratório – (CAL-AQUA)
Curso De Ciências De Animais Aquáticos De Laboratório – (CAL-AQUA)
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Máster Universitario de "Acuicultura"
MSc in Aquaculture
Barcelona, ES
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áster Universitario en Avances en Biología Agraria y Acuicultura
Master in Advances in Agricultural Biology and Aquaculture
Granada, ES
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Akvakultur og fiskesykdommer
Aquatic Animal Medicine and Fish Health
Ås, NO
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Differensiering i akvamedisin
Differentiation in Aquatic Animal Medicine
Ås, NO
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Water chemistry, microbiology and fish health in aquaculture
Bergen, NO
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Aquaculture in the Ecosystem
Trondheim, NO
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Marine Science Double Major Program (Marine Science/Microbiology&Immunology)
Coral Gables, US
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MSc Sustainable Aquaculture
Plymouth, GB
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Master in Aquamedicine
Bergen, NO
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Marine Vertebrate Biology, B.S.
Stony Brook, US
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Curso de Graduação em Engenharia de Aquicultura
Aquaculture Engineering
Florianópolis, BR
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Marine Biology and Coastal Sciences (M.S.)
Montclair, US
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Aquaculture Engineering
Aquaculture Engineering
Florianópolis, BR
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PhD in Fish Immunology and Physiology
Aberdeen, GB
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博士後期応用生命科学専攻 (応用生物科学)
PhD in Applied Marine Biosciences (Applied Bioscience)
Minato-ku, JP
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Master of Science in Aquaculture
Ghent, BE
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博士後期応用生命科学専攻 (水産資源生態学)
PhD in Applied Marine Biosciences (Fisheries Ecology)
Minato-ku, JP
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Pós-Graduação em Aquicultura e Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Postgraduate degree in Aquaculture and Sustainable Development
Palotina, BR
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博士後期応用生命科学専攻 (深海生物学)
PhD in Applied Marine Biosciences (Deep Sea Biology)
Minato-ku, JP
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Master in Fisheries (Aquatic Medicine)
Dalian Shi, CN
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博士後期応用生命科学専攻 (ゲノム科学)
PhD in Applied Marine Biosciences (Genome Science)
Minato-ku, JP
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Bachelor in Fisheries (Aquatic Medicine)
Dalian Shi, CN
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博士後期応用生命科学専攻 (魚類生理機能学)
PhD in Applied Marine Biosciences (Reproductive and Behavioral Physiology of Fish)
Minato-ku, JP
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Bachelor of Science in Marine Fisheries and Animal Science
, AE
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修士食品 生命科学 (食品保蔵学)
Master in Food Life Science (Food Storage Studies)
Kagoshima City, JP
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Master in Fisheries Development (Prevention and Treatment of Aquatic Animal Diseases)
Nanjing Shi, CN
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学士水産資源科学 (増養殖学)
Bachelor in Fisheries Resources Science (Aquaculture)
Kagoshima City, JP
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学士生物学 (海洋生物科学科)
Bachelor in Biology (Marine Biology and Sciences)
Shimizu-ku, shizuoka-shi, JP
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学士食品生命科学 (水産食品学)
Bachelor in Food Life Science (Seafood Science)
Kagoshima City, JP
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水产硕士 (水生动物医学)
Master in Fisheries (Aquatic Animal Medicine)
Zhanjiang Shi, CN
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Master in Fisheries (Aquatic Animal Medicine)
Nanjing Shi, CN
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学士海洋資源環境学 (海洋資源エネルギー学科)
Bachelor in Marine Resources and Environment (Marine Resources and Energy)
Minato-ku, JP
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ปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการเพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำและทรัพยากรประมง (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) หลักสูตรนานาชาติ
PhD in Aquaculture and Fishery Resources (International Program)
Hat Yai, TH
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博士後期応用生命科学専攻 (食品機能利用学)
PhD in Applied Marine Biosciences (Advanced Food Science and Technology)
Minato-ku, JP
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博士 応用生命科学
PhD in Biological Science and Technology
Kagoshima City, JP
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博士前期海洋資源環境学専攻 (水圏環境化学)
Master in Marine Resources and Environment (Aquatic Environmental Chemistry)
Minato-ku, JP
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博士後期応用生命科学専攻 (水産生物機能学)
PhD in Applied Marine Biosciences (Functional Biology of Aquatic Organisms)
Minato-ku, JP
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วิทยาศาสตรบัณฑิต (เทคโนโลยีการผลิตสัตว์น ้า)
Bachelor of Science (Aquatic Animal Production Technology)
Cha-Am , TH
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学士食品生命科学 (先進資源利用科学)
Bachelor in Food Life Science (Advanced Resource Utilization Science)
Kagoshima City, JP
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ปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต (วาริชศาสตร์)
Doctor of Philosophy (Marine Science)
Hat Yai, TH
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修士水産資源科学 (水産増殖生理学)
Master in Fisheries Resources Science (Aquatic Growth Physiology)
Kagoshima City, JP
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วิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต (เทคโนโลยีการประมงและทรัพยากรทางน้ํา)
Master of Science (Fisheries Technology and Aquatic Resources)
Sansai, TH
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วิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต (วาริชศาสตร์)
Master of Science (Marine Science)
Hat Yai, TH
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修士水産資源科学 (水族病理・免疫 学)
Master in Fisheries Resources Science (Aquatic Pathology/Immunity Study)
Kagoshima City, JP
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Sarjana Perikanan (Budidaya Perairan)
Bachelor in Fisheries (Aquaculture)
Kota Serang, ID
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