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The EMBRC Science Days will be held in Gournes (Crete, Greece) from Monday 27 to Thursday 30 May 2024. This will be an opportunity to share scientific topics, projects and working methods, and above all to meet colleagues from different nodes. If you would like to take part in the event, please fill in this form and save the date.

Role in your node
Dietary requirements
Confirmation of full attendance
By filling in and submitting this registration form, the participant grants permission to EMBRC (organiser) to process the data provided for the purpose of the organisation of EMBRC Days 2024. Personal data processing involves that the name, surnames and affiliations of registered participants will be displayed in an attendance list and/or included in relevant items such as name tags. Video recording of the speakers and participants may take place during the EMBRC Days. By virtue of your attendance, you consent that footage taken in the course of proceedings will be published solely via EMBRC’s communication channels such as its website, social media accounts, newsletters, reports and other (print/online) publications. If you wish that your image or voice is not recorded and published, for compelling and legitimate grounds relating to your particular situation, please contact the event organisers at I agree that my personal data collected in the form above are stored and processed for the organisation of the event. I understood that my data will kept by the organiser after the processing of the event is finalised.