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Maritime Economics and Logistics

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Tijdsduur 6 semesters
Cost 4000 EUR per year

The aim of I-cycle studies in the field of Innovative Economy is to equip the graduate with knowledge, skills and competences from the field of economy (in macro- and micro- scale), indispensable to undertake a job in the modern economy that is based on knowledge and to actively participate in the information society. He/she has detailed economic education deepened by knowledge from related disciplines: management, finances, commodity science and computer science. The graduate has awareness of the importance of innovations in ensuring sustainable development of the economy all over the world, in different countries, regions and local communities and is open to implement innovative solutions. He/she has the ability to move freely in socio-economic space and the ability to adapt easily to dynamic changes occurring in the economic surrounding and to contemporary global challenges. His/her chances on the job market are enhanced by the ability to use information technologies and by a good command of English, at least on the intermediate level.

Furthermore, the graduate of the specialisation Maritime Economics and Logistics is a specialist with relevant competencies for the operational positions dealing with transport, forwarding and logistics issues. Comprehensive knowledge of the economical, organizational, technical as well as legal aspects of transport, storage and forwarding process with special focus on the maritime transport and logistics are his/her key ability. Thus, the graduate is able to work efficiently in the operational departments of companies engaged in maritime business, including shipping and seaports, and also for multimodal logistics providers, public administration or trade and manufacturing companies.

The graduate obtains the professional title of the Bachelor’s degree (Polish: licencjat) and is prepared to undertake II-cycle studies, and/or postgraduate studies.

Program overview

I-cycle studies in the field Innovative Economy, specialization Maritime Economics and Logistics last 6 semesters. They are realised in the general academic profile, as part time-studies and 180 ECTS credit points can be obtained. During the studies about 1200 study hours are covered. Studies lead to the professional title of the Bachelor’s degree (Polish: licencjat).

Studies are realised according to the program of studies, which specifies among others, the details of the studies indicating the number of study hours covered in particular subjects or courses, as well as competences acquired while attending them. In the program of studies about 60% study hours and ECTS credit points are allocated to the general and core subjects, including foreign language courses. The remaining 40% study hours are allocated to specialised subjects and diploma project.

Students do an integrated placement, not shorter than 4 weeks (160 hours), after completing the 5th semester of studies (in justified situations the Dean can agree on the different term of a placement). Undertaking an integrated placement results in the acquisition of 4 ECTS credit points and competences specified in the program of study.

I-cycle studies finish with the Bachelor’s project and diploma examination. Preparations to the project take place in the diploma Pro-seminar and diploma seminars held during three semesters. The total number of credit points for the Pro-seminar, seminars and preparation of the Bachelor’s project is 16 ECTS credit points. The project has the written form. The process of awarding the Bachelor’s degree is realised in compliance with the regulations laid down in the Regulations concerning Studies in Gdynia Maritime University.

Structurele componenten
International component
Practical/Field work
Language training
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Persoonlijke vaardigheden en communicatie
Maritieme economie
Beleid en bestuur
Logistiek en bedrijfsvoering scheepsvaart
Marien and maritiem recht