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Master’s in Marine Biology (Master’s in Marine Biology )

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Cost Tuition-$1,337 per credit hour, Application Fee-$50 nonrefundable,Seat Deposit-$100 (nonrefundable; payable after acceptance and credited toward tuition), Registration Fee-$30 per-semester nonrefundable, Graduation Fee-$100

You’re fascinated by the marine world. Your scholarly interests include the study of the animals and plants that live in the ocean (including sharks!). A Marine Science master’s degree with a concentration in Marine Biology broadens your knowledge of the physical and biological components of marine ecosystems, so you can pursue your advanced research goals, or advance your career as a specialist at an aquarium, museum, university, laboratory, environmental consulting firm, or government organization. 

In this master’s program, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of the taxonomy, natural history, and ecology of a wide variety of marine organisms. You’ll conduct hands-on research and have opportunities to focus your studies on a specific aspect of marine biology. As a graduate, you’ll not only walk away with a thorough comprehension of marine biota, but you’ll know how to communicate your research and your knowledge to interested parties.

Marine Biology Curriculum

Structurele componenten
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work

ISCED Categories

Mariene archeologie
Conservatie en milieumanagement
Offshore en hernieuwbare energie