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Fish Reproduction (Undergraduate)



Course format On-site
Datum 2020-11-30 - 2020-12-18

Course Description:

The aim of the course is that the student understand the biology of fish reproduction and its use in aquaculture, in relation to hatching, spawning and fish rearing, for freshwater and saltwater aquaculture alike. The course lasts for three weeks.

The two first weeks are quite lectures intensive. The on-site visit is usually in the first week and includes several practicals (stripping fish, laboratory on fish development, and calculus exercise), and one oral assignment. The course work during the 3rd week will build on the former two, and will focus on reproductive specificities of important aquaculture species in Iceland and elsewhere.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

  • Identify key environmental factors, nutrition and energy requirements affecting maturation, spawning and early development of fishes.
  • Explain the physiology of sexual maturation, and the basic genetics associated with gametes production and zygote.
  • Define and assess egg quality.
  • Recognize and describe key elements of development in fishes.
  • Practice fish fertilisation and summarize important steps in Arctic charr breeding (pre and post fertilisation).
  • Compare the hatchery equipment used for various species based on their differences in reproductive/developmental biology (including egg collection, fertilisation, early development, metamorphosis, etc…)
  • Discuss the benefits of selective breeding and its current application for aquaculture in Iceland and elsewhere.


ISCED Categories
