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Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Cost $45,264 for non-resident students

This option prepares students for graduate study in oceanography, geology, environmental science, or an allied field, as well as for immediate employment. Depending on their choice of electives, students also may fulfill the requirements of a major in geological sciences.

Graduation Requirements for the Major

  • Students majoring in Marine Science must have a cumulative grade-point average of 2.0.
  • All students in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences must complete the SEBS Core Requirements, plus the additional Major requirements below.
  • All students in the School of Arts and Sciences must complete the SAS Core Requirements, plus the additional Major requirements below.
  • Professional Ethics: Ethical issues in marine sciences are addressed throughout the program in both introductory and advanced courses, especially within the framework of the experience-based educational requirement.

Marine Geology option

Required courses (credits)

- 01:119:115-116 General Biology (4,4)

- 01:119:117 Biological Research Laboratory (2)

- 01:160:161-162 General Chemistry (4,4)

- 01:160:171 Introduction to Experimentation (1)

- 01:460:101 Introductory Geology (4)

- 01:460:301 Mineralogy (4) or 01:460:210 Rocks and Minerals (3)

- 01:460:330 Sedimentary Geology (4)

- 01:460:451 Marine Geology (3)

- 01:640:151-152 Calculus for Mathematics and the Physical Sciences (4,4)

- 11:628:120 Introduction to Oceanography (3)

- 11:628:320 Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems (4)

- 11:628:363 Oceanographic Methods and Data Analysis: Biology and Chemistry (3) or Oceanographic Methods and Data Analysis: Physical Processes (3)

- 01:750:203-204 General Physics (3,3)

- 01:750:205-206 General Physics Laboratory (1,1)

- 01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research (3)

Experience-Based Education (6). Consult the Undergraduate Program Director for more information.

One of the following

- 11:628:451 Physical Oceanography (4)

- 11:628:461 The Biology of Living in the Ocean: Water Column Ecosystems & Processes (3) or 11:628:462 The Biology of Living in the Ocean: Boundary Ecosystems & Processes (3)

- 11:628:472 Chemical Oceanography (3)

One of the following

- 01:450:321 Geographic Information Systems (3)

- 01:460:303 Paleontology (4)

- 01:460:304 Introduction to Geochemistry (4)

- 01:460:407 Structural Geology (4)

- 01:460:414 Hydrologic Processes (3)

- 01:460:453 Paleoecology (3)

Or an adviser-approved equivalent

One of the following

- 01:450:403 Advanced Physical Geography (3)

- 01:460:306 Introduction to Geophysics (4)

- 01:460:417 Environmental Geochemistry (3)

- 11:628:401 Science in Shoreline Management (3)

- 11:628:476 History of the Earth System (3)

- 11:670:451 Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Atmosphere (3)

Structural components
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work

ISCED Categories

Marine Geology
Physical and chemical oceanography
Marine spatial planning