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Màster en Ecologia Marina (Master's Degree in Marine Ecology )

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duration 2 semesters
Entry level Bachelor
Cost 1.813,80€ per resident in the European Union

The programme provides participants with a complete, multidisciplinary, and up-to-date education covering the basic, advanced, methodological, and applied knowledge that exists in the field of marine ecology. The master's programme has the following key focuses:

  • To provide a multidisciplinary education that gives students an in-depth understanding of the inner workings of each of the different kinds of marine ecosystems and their biological characteristics, the usage of the coastline, specific impacts, global changes to which such ecosystems are subjected, and how to manage living resources.
  • To provide an advanced education that allows students to apply their knowledge to solving ecological problems in various contexts (research centres, public administrations, businesses, etc.) and contribute their knowledge in multidisciplinary contexts.
  • To study real cases and solve real problems related to each case via a project carried out at various research centres, universities (beyond the UIB), and institutions, such as:
  1. The Oceanography Centres in the Baleares, Santander, and Murcia,
  2. The Institute of Marine Sciences in Barcelona (CSIC),
  3. The Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (CSIC),
  4. The Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System,
  5. The Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Valencia,
  6. The University of Girona,
  7. The University of Malaga,
  8. LIMIA (Balearic Government),
  9. Cabrera National Park, and
  10. The government of Ibiza (Consell Insular d'Eivissa).
Structural components
Internship/Workplace experience
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

Application procedure

Applications must be completed online through the web portal.
This can be launched by clicking on the "Application" button located below the name of the degree you would like to study.
In order to access the online application, you must have a user name and a password. To obtain these, you must click on UIBdigital Online Log-in.
Once inside the application you will be able to see what details and documents must be submitted.

Students with foreign degrees, consult the "Students with foreign degrees" section.

Learning outcomes

  • To have an advanced understanding of the characteristics and parameters of the marine environment and know how to apply this understanding in specific situations, such as those that present themselves in the Mediterranean.
  • To know about the most recent advances regarding ocean dynamics and to apply them to the modelling of deep-ocean and surface circulation systems.
  • To understand the components of planktonic, nektonic, and benthic communities as well as the trophic relationships that exist between them, and to use this knowledge to understand the overall metabolism of marine ecosystems.
  • To apply scientific methods and techniques for working in the marine environment, e.g., sampling and the subsequent analysis of samples in the laboratory.
  • To assess the impact of humans on the marine environment: overfishing, pollution, beach reclamation, marinas, the effects of bioaccumulation on marine biota, and global changes.
  • To apply criteria for assessing environmental indicators in order to come up with strategies related to environmental management, species conservation, and habitat encroachment.
  • To use statistical tools to handle data that come from the marine environment.
  • To design and run marine ecology projects.

ISCED Categories

Conservation and environmental management
Physical and chemical oceanography