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Bachelor in Marine Biology (Marine Fisheries)

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 8 semesters
Cost Free

The study of marine biology is an applied science that links various disciplines of marine sciences and therefore the Department of Marine Biology is one of the important pillars in the faculty of Marine Sciences.

It was established in 1395 AH (1975) as a Marine Science Department in the Faculty of Science led by Prof. Anwar Abdualeem, who was a successor of Prof. Abdulkader Bohari. The program was limited to the teaching of marine biology for bachelor’s course. The Marine Science department developed into Marine Biology Department in the year 1398 AH (1978) chaired by Prof. Abdulrhman Kholi. Currently the Department of Marine Biology scientific staff consists of 18 Ph.D. members, 2 lecturers and several technicians, each one with distinct specialization in the field of marine biology, marine plant, marine environment, coral reefs, animal behavior, aquaculture, marine pollution and other disciplines. The Department offers bachelor's and master's degree courses and it is equipped with a number of support units to facilitate the scientific study and research, such as fish farm, museum, in addition to the 6 laboratories equipped with modern equipments at Marine Science Faculty branch in Abhour.

The department plays an active role in the rehabilitation of national competencies that serve various sectors of the state. It also contributes in terms of research, conducted either by itself or in cooperation with other departments within the university or outside.


  • Provide quality education in the levels of undergraduate and graduate studies in marine biological sciences

  • Provide training to private and public sector to the relevant marine agencies.

  • Conduct qualitative researches in the marine biological sciences

  • Establish a national and international cooperation in the field of educational research.

  •  Develop public awareness materials, and train personnel in the field of marine biology, including aquaculture and pollution.


Provide quality output in terms of education and training in the field of marine biology and environment, and raise awareness about marine environments for the community and the society.

Structural components
Dive training
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Language training
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Project management
Personal skills and communication
Ocean Literacy
Conservation and environmental management
Veterinary sciences