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Master in Urban, Port and Transport Economics

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duration 2 semesters
Cost Non-EEA students - 15000 €, EEA students - 2083€

State of the art transport, logistics and modern cities are essential for a well-functioning economy. The Urban, Port and Transport Economics programme focuses on how to optimise these key elements of modern society. Our lecturers are actively involved in the latest developments in international economic research, consultancy and advice. Through interactive lectures, challenging assignments and lively debates they will show you how to apply the appropriate methods – both qualitative and quantitative – when dealing with a wide range of real-life issues. How do we find smart ways to deal with congestion and pollution? What role can city planning play in achieving productive cross fertilisation between all available sources of knowledge and enterprise? What is the future of ports in the logistics chain? The study of Urban, Port and Transport Economics teaches you to look at such important issues in a way that is both scientific and practicaI.

The master’s specialisation consists of two elective seminars, one compulsory course, four elective courses, and a master’s thesis distributed over five blocks of eight weeks.

The compulsory course on analytical, spatial and statistical skills is essential in order to be able to properly analyse relevant data and to critically assess findings in available literature for the seminars and the master’s thesis.

The seminars are the central components of the master’s specialisation. They are highly interactive with several assignments where students are expected to analyse real-world cases and report their findings. The choice of seminars and courses allows students to tailor the master to their own interests. The courses acquaint students with a range of topics that are central in Urban, Port and Transport Economics.

You will write your master’s thesis during the last part of the programme. This is an individual task, performed under close supervision by a member of our academic staff.

The curriculum consists of:

  • 25% Analytical skills
  • 25% Foundations
  • 25% Real-life cases
  • 25% Deepening understanding and contextual knowledge

In class

How do you produce refrigerators?  Where should you produce them? Making optimal decisions requires understanding of: the organisation of the supply chain of refrigerator production, what inputs can be acquired cheaply at which locations, where labour is cheap and what the costs of transport are. It also forces you to make decisions on the location of your own production, including the acquisition of land and real estate. Is cheap assembly in an African country an option? If so, what routes and ports would be part of the preferred strategy? In an actual case, you study these aspects of the production and transport process, and devise an optimal strategy for production, which you could advise in real life.

Structural components
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Project management
Maritime economy
Logistics and shipping management