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Bachelor in Operation of Ship Electrical Equipment and Automation

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Cost 66 800 UAH

The need and expediency of training specialists in the operation of marine electrical equipment and automation is due to modern needs of development and technical equipment of the sea and river fleet of Ukraine, coastal enterprises of the sea and river fleet, shipbuilding, ship repair plants, fleet maintenance bases, ports and more. At present, automated and automatic control systems, computer equipment are used in a wide range, so highly professional maintenance and operation of modern marine electric automated and automatic control systems should be performed only by those specialists who have acquired the necessary competencies approved by the IMO. Modern controls and technologies for creating automatic control systems, elements of automation are improving at a very fast pace.

Preparation for the degree of "bachelor" is conducted in full and abbreviated programs.

 The full program for full-time education provides 4 years of training, including 12 months of swimming practice, and the completion of the thesis. For distance learning, the training program is 4 years and 6 months and the completion of the thesis.

 The abbreviated training program is designed for persons who have the educational level of a junior specialist, and provides 3 years of training, including 6 months of swimming practice, and the completion of diploma work in full-time education. For distance learning the training program is 3 years and the completion of the thesis.


ISCED Categories

Naval engineering
Navigation and seamanship