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Design af akvatiske systemer (Aquatic Systems Engineering )



Course format On-site
Date 2021-02-01 - 2021-05-18

General course objectives

The objective of this course is to enable the student to design successful systems for sustainable aquatic resource utilization by combining engineering design methods and knowledge of natural science. Successful systems are realized by focusing on the definition of customer needs and required functionality early in the development cycle while considering the complete problem including performance, cost, schedule, risk, manufacturing, test, operation, and disposal. Customers for aquatic systems are aquaculture operators, fishermen, fish feed suppliers, maritime engineering companies, and public authorities. The solutions desired by customers can be floating cities, coastal protection, artificial reefs, aquaponics systems, fishing gear, environmental impact assessment, sustainability certification of wild fisheries or methods to reduce marine pollution.


The course consists of lectures on systems engineering combined with project work on a relevant problem of sustainable use of aquatic resources. The student will work in a group, select a customer of their choice, analyze the customers’ requirements, conceive alternative system concepts, analyze concepts in order to select the most suitable, analyze the chosen concept in depth, and prepare and present a report documenting the process.

Learning outcomes

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

  • Provide an overview of systems engineering methods and how they can be used for design of successful aquatic systems
  • Identify client, users, and other stakeholders involved in operation of the future system
  • Detail the requirements of client, users and other stakeholders
  • Generate a wide range of conceptual design solutions
  • Evaluate the merits of different concepts and select the concept that best satisfies everybody
  • Perform a detailed design that balances performance, cost, schedule, and risk
  • Provide a life cycle perspective on system design, manufacture, operation and disposal
  • Demonstrate general engineering skills such as sketching, visualization and computer modelling
  • Demonstrate successful management of work in a project group
  • Communicate the results of the project in the form of a report and an oral presentation


ISCED Categories

Conservation and environmental management
Environmental protection technology
Machinery and operators