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Energias Renováveis e Eficiência Energética (Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency )

Short-cycle tertiary education (ISCED 2011 level 5)

Portuguese, Portugal

Duration 4 semesters
Cost National students: 600 €/year International studentd: 800 €/year

Carry out, autonomously or under guidance, the design, installation, maintenance, repair and management of systems that use renewable sources for energy purposes (thermal and electrical) in accordance with standards, safety regulations and rules of good environmental practice

Learning outcomes

  • Design and install renewable energy systems
  • Identify opportunities to rationalize energy consumption
  • Maintain renewable energy systems
  • Perform the assembly and maintenance of electrical installations
  • Support the production lines of equipment/components of renewable energy systems and quality control
  • Promoting hygiene and safety at work
  • Manage waste in line with sustainability
  • Perform technical-commercial functions in companies that sell renewable energy equipment.
  • Intervene for the development of a green economy
  • Act according to the rules of ethics and professional deontology

ISCED Categories

Environmental protection technology
Offshore and renewable energy