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Technicus engineering elektrotechniek (Electrical engineering technician )

Post-secondary non-tertiary education (ISCED 2011 level 4)


Duration 8 semesters
Cost 624 € (BBL) 1239 € (BOL)

As an electrical engineering technician, you are the developer of the entire installation, focused on electrical engineering and electronics. Consider realizing a lighting installation in an office, a sound system for a new factory or a surveillance installation at a wholesale company, but also, for example, generating green energy with solar energy or wind turbines. Your knowledge is used wherever electrical engineering applications are needed or generated. This means: entering into consultations, coming up with your calculations, developing them into a design and a plan, organizing the entire project and managing everyone in it. Fascinating and varied, because you constantly work with very different clients and always visit different locations.

ISCED Categories

Offshore and renewable energy