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Ocean Engineering Doctoral Program

PhD (ISCED 2011 level 8)


Duration 10 semesters
Cost USD $18,707/semester

The ocean engineering Ph.D. program at Stevens is one of the top academic programs of its kind in the country, enabling students to pursue research in a broad range of areas pertaining to naval engineering and coastal resilience.

Located alongside the Hudson River overlooking Manhattan and New York Harbor, Stevens offers a premiere location in which to study ocean engineering, allowing future ocean engineers in the Ph.D. program opportunities to participate in large-scale studies and projects on coastal flood protection and offshore wind energy.

In addition to field research opportunities, Stevens boasts one of the world’s fastest towing tanks at the Davidson Laboratory, which is an internationally renowned facility famous for its pursuit of research in ocean engineering.

For more than eight decades, our faculty members have pioneered naval architecture, laying most of the foundation for the evaluation of the performance of high-speed craft, including current state-of-the-art theoretical resistance estimations which commonly use the Savitsky Method, named after Stevens’ Professor Emeritus Daniel Savitsky.

ISCED Categories

Physical and chemical oceanography
Machinery and operators
Naval engineering
Near- and offshore constructions