Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean, POGO, is a forum created in 1999 by directors and leaders of major oceanographic institutions around the world to promote global ocean observing. Of particular focus is the implementation of an international and integrated global ocean observing system. POGO is a partnership of institutions involved in oceanographic observations, scientific research, operational services, education and training. POGO has 48 member institutes, including two consortia, from 28 different countries, and works closely with other international and regional programmes and organisations.
As the scale of these activities becomes global, there is an increasing value in coordination among the institutions involved. Through joint planning and exchange of information, the community can make better use of the limited resources available. POGO does not set scientific goals, but focuses attention on implementation issues such as technical compatibility among observing networks; shared use of infrastructure; and on public outreach and capacity building.
Our role in this project